Saturday, 17 September 2016


Could This be True "Magic picture frame slow time or so it seen
Gave you ever wish that you could speed  up time,  may be we all have, but unless you have Hermione Granger's Time Turner, the ability to control the click hand is probably not in your took box.

However, an invention calledthe " Slow Dance " frame opens a window into that it might look like to See things move in slow motion in the real world.
When you place them in fronto f the frame delicate object such as leaves and feathers quiver and undulate, as you might expect them to when they're stirred by a gentle breeze.
Here is the difference
The moment appear to happen at a fraction of the normal speed taking place right in front of your eye
The "slow Dance" wooden frame measure 12.5 inches (31.8) wide by 14.5 inches (10.2) hight. Light weight object can be attached to springs within the frame,  and are illuminated recessed lighting variable controls allows users to cycle between different "frame rate" changing  the motion pattern if the object as the move.  Thank to Jeff Lieberman

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